New army Started

The weather has not been good in my neck of the woods this year, and I had some vacation already scheduled, so I have ended up with a nice chunk of time off lately.  Which means, more time for painting and adding stuff to the blog.  Today I have several things I have recently finished, as well as some things that have been finished for a while.

This big fella here (and I have a couple today) is Pendraken AC1 Large Giant with club, from the accessories range, he will roll with the Orc army I have now started..  I mentioned this range previously, and it has many items that really seem more 6mm (or maybe true 10mm, who the heck knows anymore).  The giant is one, in 10mm he would be kind of a ‘dwarf giant’ for lack of a better expression.  The model is great, it has a real mid ’90 GW fantasy vibe to it (which I think is really what the whole microworld range has as well).  I modified this guy slightly by adding big ears and a mohawk.  I have one other, which I am going to keep stock accept with a different weapon, maybe a big maul or something.

The guy on the left there is Microworld’s super Great Dingonek model.  This guy definitely looks intimidating.  Model is great, the scales are a great opportunity for some highlighting (my next one is going to be jungle green I think).  The other guy is a home made mushroom giant.  I just used some pearl air dry clay and glue to make him.  He has a face (that looks like crap), but he will get the job done.  I had mentioned pearl clay previously, and I finally got to compare it to the das brand, which I hear so much about.  I have to say, I like the pearl better.  Its not quite as easy to manipulate, but neither are fantastic, but it drives to a much harder surface and is easier to smooth.


Hi bob, ready for work today?

As mentioned in the Title, I have now started a new army, orcs.  I decided I did not want a another green army so i had to pick a new scheme.  I recently watched the hobbit movies, and I decided to model them after the head evil orc dude with the fork on his arm (the pinkish guy…)


They were a bit hard to photograph, so only the one close up.  I was pretty happy with them, they are a bit pinker in person. though.  I tried different combos of pink, red, and white before settling on this (I may post the method later, if for no other reason than I wont forget 😀 ).  These are some of the earliest figures Microworld offered, Orc Warriors, but they are still fantastic.  Two different poses, with slightly different swords and shield bosses.  Can’t wait to get this army finished (my lizard men need an ally too, the wood elf army is stupid huge)


These Were Elephants are some of my favorite so far.  Great detail and personality.  The pack has three main poses, and then a couple leader type dudes with (huge) cloaks.  Great variety, and good size also.  You could totally use these in 10mm as like elephant people or something (they would be a bit small, but hey, its fantasy).

The two shots show how well everything scales together (all of Microworld’s stuff scales well together of course).  Final thing I have today is not fantasy at all, but some more dystopian wars.

One of the big attractions of dystopian wars to me is the combine arms aspect.  Especially beach invasions with giant tanks!  Consequently I have been collecting all discounted landing craft from spartan I can lay my hands on.  These two were finished last month (the tanks probably at least a year ago).  Both of them don’t have their cranes done yet (which I am not super fond of anyway), but are other wise done.  Great models, the have little rail tracks on them and just look right.  I gave them a generic paint job so they could be used for multiple forces.


Alright, that’s it for today, back to the painting table, I’ve got armies to finish!


Hey, you got your Fantasy in my Steampunk!

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